July 18, 1997
RE: Michael D. Steffano, Austin Programmers Group
Subject: Reference
Owen Healthcare contracted with Austin Programmers Group to help us design and develop a key system for use with our application. In addition, we needed them to educate our staff in the object oriented features that would be used in the design and development of our product.
Michael Steffano did an excellent job for us. He met with the staff and discussed all of the features that needed to be included. He was very professional and calm during these meetings. As the staff probed his knowledge he came across as an expert without an ego problem. They soon adopted him as a member of the team and used him as a resource to aid their learning.
Michael took our requirements and developed an architecture for our system. He did an excellent job documenting this material so that both management and the technical staff could see where he was going. He presented this material and sold each of our technical review team. This was the start of a significant amount of documentation that he produced.
Michael and my staff worked together to develop a project plan. We decided to have Michael do the architectural component development and the internal staff develop the business rules portions of the application. Michael then taught our people the object oriented approach that was to be followed. He developed coding standards and examples that made it easy for the staff to pick up and become productive quickly.
The components Michael was responsible for were developed very quickly. This gave our people something to work with as they developed their pieces. Michael operated in a lead role helping each of the assigned people to bring their part up to the required operation for the system.
It should be noted that Austin Programmers Group is not based in our city. This was never an issue. Michael stayed in touch through phone and email and was always on-site when we needed him for face-to-face meetings. He did whatever it took to make it happen.
We did a successful beta of our product and had Michael attend with us. He insured that work continued the way it should at the same time keeping my staff in a position where they felt they had enough knowledge after he left. The product was a success and met all of our requirements including enhancing the knowledge of our staff.
I have recommended Austin Programmers Group for several other jobs within our organization and everyone has been happy with their performance. I would hire them again. Michael is truly an excellent consultant.
James M. Hull
Director, Interface Systems
Owen Healthcare, Inc.
9800 Centre Parkway
Suite 1100
Houston, TX 77036