We specialize in a programming language called DataFlex (along with many others). By using DataFlex we have found our clients benefit from long software life cycles and excellent returns on their business investment. Developed and sold by Data Access Worldwide, DataFlex is synonymous with blazing fast database access and compatibility across a wide variety of platforms. The company’s DataFlex GUI development platform and non-native database support, as well as its Web Application server (WebApp) and mobile capabilities, along with continued support for its character-mode procedural and OOPs versions, make for a very robust development system offering.
APG’s senior developers have literally decades of experience starting with DataFlex version 1.6 through OOPs, console mode, the most recent versions of DataFlex, and WebApp. Our work spans the country. Our clients’ testimonials speak for themselves.
APG entered the 3rd party tool market in 1994 as creators of the Extended Report Package (ExReport.pkg) and Virtual Browser (VBrowz) for object oriented DataFlex. Our published articles include “Rebuild Dataflex Databases“, “Softly Manipulating Filelist.CFG“, “How to Let Users Define the Indexes Your Programs Use“, “Building a Better Report.PKG“, and “Dataflex and TTS“.
The following article, published originally in Data Access e-News, strongly supports our philosophical approach to software development and lifecycle maintenance: Austin Programmers Group’s expertise extends client’s ROI in DataFlex (pdf – opens in separate window).